Wednesday 23 December 2015

Techniques for Food & Wine Pairing

Have you been experimenting different wine and food combinations but failed miserably in acquiring a tasty combination? Here is what you need to know!

Below mentioned are some techniques of paring food & wine that you must keep in mind before experimenting a combination of wine & food.

1. Regional Pairing: regional paring might not always be a perfect match. However, they act as a template for us to understand more about what happens structurally in wine and food paring.

2. Acid+Acid: Like acidity can be added together, this does not go with bitter and bitter together with food and wine. Acidity together creates the basis of what wine people think about when selecting a wine with a meal. If the acidity of wine in comparison with food is less, then the wine will taste flat. Hence, when pairing a particular dish with wine, consider its acid balance between the food and the wine.

3. Sweet+Salty: If you feel a combination of sweet and salt cannot win your hearts, a pairing of sweet wine and salty food will definitely impress you.

4. Bitter+Fat: This turns out to be a classic steak of combination of something fatty and a wine with lots of tannin.

5. Acid+Fat: A glass of Champagne to cut the fat is all it says! A high acid wine with a heavy dish of fats will deliver an interesting range of flavors for wine lovers.

6. Alcohol+Fat: Last, but not the  least, this is little strange pairing. However, there is a primary difference in a high alcohol drink and high acid drink that a high alcohol drink should not be used a palate cleanser as it might disappoint or trouble you.

So, when are you planning to pair one of these ways?

Friday 11 December 2015

Basics for Food and Wine Paring

Wine & Dine is a popular concept that most of the wine lovers religiously follow. Well, if wine alone did not turn out to be your first love,  then Yes! To your surprise, a right combination of the wine and food could blow your minds with its incantation.

Here are the 6 basic profiles to work with when pondering about matching food and wine:

  1. Acidity in wine pairs fairly well with fatty and sweet foods.
  2. Fatty foods require either an acidic or high alcohol wine, else the wine might taste a little flabby.
  3. Bitter or tannic wine could be balanced with a sweet food
  4. Salty shouldn’t compete with the acidity in wine. Use sparingly as required to maintain the sharpness of the food or meal.
  5. Sweet food or wine could benefit from a little acidity.
  6. Alcohol could also be used to cut through fatty foods or balance a sweet dish. 

So the next time you think of blending wine and food, make the right combination to have a fine dining experience with wine.

If you have already experimented some crazy food and wine combos at the Soma Vine Village in Nashik, you can also share your feedback with us on our Facebook Page