Monday 3 August 2015

We, Wine & The Aromatic Ambience : Our awesome Love Triangle

Wines have proven their worth over the years. When you cannot consume alcohol you have your companion to take you off to a world of excitement & ecstasy. Your very own favorite wine!
While we all love many things, but, sometimes we end up falling in love with moments! The moments that we can recollect in galore and yet differentiate each with the elegance of each.
No, we are not talking about any occasion, but, an experience that any wine snob would boast about!
Here, is something what we heard from one of our visitors about her first wine tasting experience at the Soma Vine Village!
“The moment I tasted the first sip of wine in my life, I could literally feel the sour and sweet taste along with the coarse of the wine as it began to settle on my tongue. The fragrance surpassed the aroma of every other delicacy on the table. The bouquet wavered around the place swinging around the complete ambience of the place into a mesmerizing and a magical one. As I swallowed the first sip, my tongue was already craving for another.. Tasting wine was a pleasurable experience in a true sense.”
Who would not want to feel its magical essence, its majestic fragrance and mesmerizing aroma that is abounding in nature?
Neither we, nor would you!

The right balance in the ingredients of  wine that makes it elegant, can avoid the cloudy appearance and the cloying taste of wine. Young wines with that fascinating fruity aroma and flavor make your taste buds crave for its taste. While some wines fail to impress you in the first attempt, some older wines are great to try.  What you taste at the SomaVine Village is not merely a regular wine, but it tastes like more. So, if you have that wine lover hidden inside you, give yourself the opportunity to fall in the lovely love triangle and be a part of the We, Wine and The Aromatic Ambience!

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