Wednesday 25 November 2015

Here is what a glass of wine a day can do to you!

Wine is a second love for many while some are even married to Wine (not literally though, but you never know) due to the love at first sight! 
Well, this is for all the wine lovers out there!

  • Here are a few facts about what happens with a glass of wine a day:
  • Those who enjoy 1 or more glasses of wine a day have a better memory than those who don’t.
  • According to research, studies reveal that people who drink wine daily have a lower body mass than those who indulge occasionally.
  • The risk of ovarian cancer is reduced by as much as 50% in women who drink a glass of wine a day.
  • Women who drink 1 or 2 glasses of wine a day are 40% less likely than women who don’t drink to develop TYPE 2 Diabetes.
  • In a British study, those who drank roughly a glass of wine a day reduced their risk of infection by bacteria by 11%
  • On an average, women who drink moderately seem to have higher bone mass than abstainers.
  • Red wine Tannis contain Procyanidins which protect against heart disease.

So, with all these facts, looks like wine, has a lot more to offer to your health other than the taste and the ultimate tasting experience . 
Surely, after reading this you would not want to risk your health.

So, when are you starting with a glass of wine a day?  

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