Saturday 16 January 2016

How can you judge Wine by its color?

 Here is a quick guide to understanding the Wine attributes by judging the color of Wine.

  • When the wine is light bodied or has a transparent red color, there is a wide watery rim on the top layer of wine in the glass. The light-bodied red wines tend to have low tannin and high acidity. 
  • A medium bodied red wine tends to have moderate tannin and medium acidity. This can be identified when the red wine has a semi-transparent, opaque core and medium rim width.
  • A full-bodied red wine tends to have high tannin and low acidity. The red wine with opaque color and thick rim width falls into this category. 

  • White wines with pale yellow-green-silver glow, also called light bodied white wines, tend to have high acidity and are best enjoyed ice-cold.
  • White wines with pale gold-platinum glow, also called medium bodied white wines, tend to have moderate acidity and most of the white wines fall into this category.
  • Full bodied white wines tend to have low acidity and rich creamy food compliments them. These can be identified with the rich yellow-copper glow of white wine. 

So, the next time you try a white wine or a red wine, you can judge the acidity and tannin present in it by looking at the color of the wine.

You can try wines at Soma Vine Village and share your wine tasting experience with us. Also, don’t forget to let us know if you could judge the wine by its color at Soma Vine Village

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