Thursday 10 March 2016

It’s Vine Harvesting Time!

Vine Harvesting
In the process of wine preparation as a whole, many crucial phases are involved. Vine Harvesting is amongst the very important processes in the preparation of wine. The city of Nashik, which is referred to as the Wine Capital of India has got a lot of vine harvesting tracks. There are many Vineyards in Nashik,wherein wine grapes are harvested. Thus, there are many holiday resorts near Nashik that quench the thirst of wine lovers.

Soma Vine Village is a beautiful wine resort in the city of Nashik that offers quality wine for the wine lovers. If you visit this resort, this would turn out to be your memorable Nashik Vineyards Stay.

You must be wondering about how vines are harvested. And, since it is vine harvesting time, given below are some of the pointers that can help you understand the procedure of vine harvesting:-

1)    Keep birds and animals away from the vineyard premise:-
You can put a net on the vineyard, but at the same time ensure that the bottom flaps are tied up with ropes or similar material. This will help in avoiding birds from entering the
vineyard, feeding on and piercing the grapes.

2)    Reduce the crop yield:-
Put some limitations on the growth of crops in and around the vineyard. Growing too much crops in the vineyard can affect the quality of wine grapes.

3)    Measure ripeness of the grapes:-
You need to consistently keep on measuring the ripeness of wine grapes. This would be useful in checking the quality of grapes on a regular basis.

4)    Achieve balance between sugar and  acids:-
Sugar and acids need to have a balanced proportion at the time of vine harvesting. Even a minute error at this point can affect the taste of wine.

5)    Harvest at the right point of time:-

You need to harvest properly and well in time. Vine harvesting should be done in the season of harvesting that falls between February and April.

So, when are you planning to visit Soma Vineyard for more insights on vine harvesting?

Plan a trip today!

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