Friday 22 April 2016

9 styles of wine

Most of the people are keen to taste the delicious sips of wine. If you are amongst those wine lovers, take a look at the 9 styles of wine as given below:

1)    Sparkling wine:
This type of wine originated in France.These are amongst the most time-intensive wines that are prepared in the world.

2)    Light bodied white wine:
These are the easy to drink wines that are sold on a very large scale in the world. Their taste is similar to Beer. These wines are best suited for savoury lovers. Sauvignon Blanc, Pinot Gris and Grunner are the types of wines that fit in to the category of light bodied white wine.

3)    Full bodied white wine:
Full bodied white wines are a perfect match for those who like red wine. As people happen to gulp down the sips of this wine, they get a refreshing feel of the creamy taste. What distinguishes them from light wines is the special wine-making techniques like Oak-aging.

4)    Aromatic white wine:
Aromatic wines have got a nice flavour of sweetness. These wines have got perfumed aromas that you can smell. Aromatic grapes are the oldest wine varieties in the world. These types of wines are available in the market at affordable rates.

5)    Rose wine:
Rose wine is popularly referred to as ‘wine producer’s wine.’ It is prepared by using the skins of red wine grapes. Now-a-days, you can find rose wines of all the types like cabernet Sauvignon and Zinfandel.

6)    Light bodied red wine:
Light bodied red wines contain the preservative of tannin, which has got an astringent taste. This taste dries your mouth and hence, red wines are preferred over these types of wine at most of the places in the world.

7)     Medium bodied red wine:
Medium bodied red wines are like foodie wines. They offer varioustypes of flavour with a proper balance of acids. This category of wines can serve to be a perfect mid-week wine for the red wine lovers.
8)    Full bodied red wines:
Full bodied red wines are amongst the darkest and tannic of all the red wines in the world. They are quite pleasing and are referred to as cocktail wines.

9)    Dessert Wines
Dessert wines are amongst the boldest, intensively flavoured wines in the world.
Soma Vine Village is a Nashik Vineyard Resort and a famous vineyard in Nashik, where you would get to taste several categories of wine as mentioned above.

After having a glimpse of the 9 top notch styles of wines, you can satiate your taste buds!

Friday 15 April 2016

Wine dine speciality of Soma Vine Village at Nashik

The well-known wine capital of India ‘Nashik,’ has become a trendsetting and a fabulous destination for tasting wine. 

In India, a majority produce of wine comes from Nashik. The city’s climate is conducive to the growth of wine grapes, which is the thing that Nashik Vineyards are famous for.At times, grapes are cultivated extensively for maturing the wine effectively. Wineis something, which tastes better as it grows older. This is the reason why grapes are cultivated for a longer period of time and wine bottles are kept in the refrigerators.
The tourists, who are in the hunt of a perfect weekend destination and want to drink the tasty sips of wine, can make plans to visit Soma Vine Village in Nashik, located at the backwaters of Gangapur dam. You enjoy a supreme wine-dine experience over here in the presence of lush green natural beauty. There are many wineries in Nashik out of which Soma is one of the best, wherein people can enjoy the privilege of consuming wine in the presence of scenic natural beauty.  

Fantastic wine dine experience is a speciality of Soma Vine Village. The boutique property hosts two villas, a winery and a multi-cuisine restaurant, where you can enjoy sumptuous meals. There is a variety of vegetarian and non-vegetarian food in these restaurants. Winery is located behind the restaurant’s premise and you can come here to taste the delicious sips of wine. So, you will have lifetime wine-dine reminiscence.  

Stylish villas would fulfil your dreams of a luxury oriented living. If you pay a royal visit to the villas, you will get a golden opportunity to make a nice halt amongst the alluring vineyards with world class luxuries and amenities. You will definitely fall in love with the overall elegance and beauty offered by the villas. 

So, plan and visit such a scenic property in Nashik for sipping the delicious wine and satiating your taste buds!

Friday 8 April 2016

Confused between table grapes and wine grapes?

Here is everything you need to know about the difference between the two!

You may have often come across the two types of grapes,namely, table grapes and the wine grapes. However, there are many more differences between the two types excluding the difference in colour of these grapes. 

If you are a wine lover, you must know what are table grapes vis-à-vis wine grapes from a pragmatic perspective. Although both of these grapes belong to the same genus (vitis), they exhibit distinct characteristics. Here are the key points of differentiation between these two categories of grapes:

1)    Sweetness:
Wine grapes are sweeter than table grapes. The standard table grapes, meant for eating and consumption hold a brix level of 18-20 Brix, whereas wine grapes have got a brix level of around 25 Brix at the time of harvest. Brix is the scale, which is used to measure the percentage of sugar in a liquid such as wine prepared from grapes. Use of sugar during fermentation increases the sweetness of wine grapes as sugar is necessary for this process.

2)    Skin’s Thickness :
Table grapes are not as fat and plumb as wine grapes. Skin of table grapes is thinner, if compared to that of wine grapes.  The thick skins, possessed by wine grapes enable to instil a tasty flavour in the wine.

3)    Seeds and Juice:
Wine grapes are filled with seeds unlike table grapes. The size of seeds inside wine grapes is bigger, that takes up a huge part of the fruit. When you happen to take a bite of wine grapes, they will open up leaving a big, hard seed.  Wine grapes have got higher amount juice content than the table grapes.

4)    Exposure to the Sun:
Wine grapes get more exposure to the sun than table grapes. At the time of growing, the T-shape of wine grapes enables them to be exposed to direct sunlight. Table grapes get hanged under the vines which allows less sunlight to fall directly on the table grape vines. However, as they do not rub against each other, the amount of fruit they can produce is higher than that of vines of wine grapes.

5)    Containment and Transport:
Wine grapes are delicate than table grapes. Thus, it is difficult to contain and transport wine grapes if compared to the table grapes. Thus, most of the times wine grapes are packed properly so as to contain them effectively.

Soma Vine Village is an incredible wine resort in Nashik and owns a fabulous weekend resort i.e. Beyond resort in Nashik, for the tourists wherein they can enjoy their vacation along with some fine dine experience with glasses of wines complementing the food.

So, after having a peek through the above points of differentiation between wine grapes and table grapes, aren’t you excited to taste wine in Nashik?