Friday 22 April 2016

9 styles of wine

Most of the people are keen to taste the delicious sips of wine. If you are amongst those wine lovers, take a look at the 9 styles of wine as given below:

1)    Sparkling wine:
This type of wine originated in France.These are amongst the most time-intensive wines that are prepared in the world.

2)    Light bodied white wine:
These are the easy to drink wines that are sold on a very large scale in the world. Their taste is similar to Beer. These wines are best suited for savoury lovers. Sauvignon Blanc, Pinot Gris and Grunner are the types of wines that fit in to the category of light bodied white wine.

3)    Full bodied white wine:
Full bodied white wines are a perfect match for those who like red wine. As people happen to gulp down the sips of this wine, they get a refreshing feel of the creamy taste. What distinguishes them from light wines is the special wine-making techniques like Oak-aging.

4)    Aromatic white wine:
Aromatic wines have got a nice flavour of sweetness. These wines have got perfumed aromas that you can smell. Aromatic grapes are the oldest wine varieties in the world. These types of wines are available in the market at affordable rates.

5)    Rose wine:
Rose wine is popularly referred to as ‘wine producer’s wine.’ It is prepared by using the skins of red wine grapes. Now-a-days, you can find rose wines of all the types like cabernet Sauvignon and Zinfandel.

6)    Light bodied red wine:
Light bodied red wines contain the preservative of tannin, which has got an astringent taste. This taste dries your mouth and hence, red wines are preferred over these types of wine at most of the places in the world.

7)     Medium bodied red wine:
Medium bodied red wines are like foodie wines. They offer varioustypes of flavour with a proper balance of acids. This category of wines can serve to be a perfect mid-week wine for the red wine lovers.
8)    Full bodied red wines:
Full bodied red wines are amongst the darkest and tannic of all the red wines in the world. They are quite pleasing and are referred to as cocktail wines.

9)    Dessert Wines
Dessert wines are amongst the boldest, intensively flavoured wines in the world.
Soma Vine Village is a Nashik Vineyard Resort and a famous vineyard in Nashik, where you would get to taste several categories of wine as mentioned above.

After having a glimpse of the 9 top notch styles of wines, you can satiate your taste buds!

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